Work at Crytek GmbH

Time Frame: 05.2020 - 03.2025

Roles: Junior Game Programmer, Game Programmer, Senior Game Programmer

My work at Crytek GmbH, including Hunt: Showdown 1896, Crysis 4 (Working Title) and other undisclosed projects.


Design and implementation of enemy AI

  • Implementation of prototype behaviors

    • Refactoring implementations as complexity and my experience increased

  • Prototyping new AI systems, such as systems for managing enemy escalation, attacks and coordination between units

  • Adapting existing AI tech such as navigation systems to fit the projects needs

Prototyping, designing and implementing a flexible Vehicle System

  • Creating a gameplay prototype to evaluate what is needed for the system

  • Designing and implementing the system and using it to recreate the gameplay prototype

  • Implementing tools to debug the system

Fixing bugs across Game, Systems, UI and sometimes Engine Code on PC, PS5 and XBox Series X/S

Creating and refining debug tools and utils

  • GUI tools within the game client

    • A manager and menu for binding functionality from other menus to shortcuts that can be adjusted by each developer individually and carry over between compatible builds

    • Unifying and improving two different versions of a menu for setting variables and executing commands in the CRYENGINE console, with an additional web based GUI implemented using javascript, HTML and CSS

    • Improving tools for spawning entities at runtime

    • A tool for changing character skins on demand

    • A tool providing quick access to all other tools using a search functionality

    • A menu for spawning the player at annotated spawnpoints

    • Improving tools to manage available game content such as spawn points, loot and loadouts during playtests

  • A tool for easily placing 3D text in a level

  • A lightweight hierarchy based prototype UI framework that is resolution and aspect ratio agnostic and can be used to create UI prototypes easily from code and data

  • Implementation of automatic detection of a hard to reproduce bug, which then automatically dumped a selection of debug information to aid investigation

Working on various gameplay systems

  • Player drops and pickups

  • Camera

  • Player spawning and respawning

  • Mission objectives

Prototyping, implementation and tweaking of HUD and UI functionality

  • Contextual ping markers for communication within a team

  • Incoming damage indicators

  • Equipment HUD

  • World markers that can be confined to boundaries within the screen

  • A prototype system to display a deck of static slides on screen

  • Initial implementation of an animation purchase screen

  • Adding functionality to hide menu cards dynamically

  • Improving gamepad detection and analog input handling

Profiling and Optimization

  • CPU performance

  • Memory consumption

  • Loading times

  • Code compilation times

Porting game code between versions of CRYENGINE

Cleaning up technical debt

  • Fixing asserts

  • Streamlining serialization code

Prototyping character customization systems with a GUI

Designing early drafts for an ultimately cut system that was supposed to track and sync certain actor data across all game clients

Implementation of mission state dependent audio feedback

Providing code support to other departments as needed

Interviewing and grading work samples of potential new hires for programming and other positions

Game design for player mechanics

Organizing team wide playtests, including collecting and filing feedback

Disclosed Projects


Hunt: Showdown 1896