B.a.H Bot interactive Character and Environment Demo
Time Frame: 10.2016 - 02.2018
This page is work in progress! -
This page is work in progress! -
Summary of my Work
This is B.a.H Bot, short for Ball and Head Bot.
It is the first character I modeled, rigged, textured and animated in university, which means it is my first character where I had some institutional knowledge on how things are supposed to be done. The technique used was box modelling, which along rigging and animating was done in Maya. Texturing was done in Substance Painter.
The goal for this character was to be animated and placed as a player controlled character in a Unity Demo, as an introduction on how do import assets into a game engine and work with animations. The control logic is provided by the default Unity Third Person Controller, since the focus of this project was not on programming.
The demo also contains the first environment I modeled from scratch. It is a simulated, biodome-like park that was modeled in Maya as well. It is mostly white because it is supposed to look unfinished and like the computer that simulated it focused more on the trees than the rest.